Essay On Musical Theatre

519 Words2 Pages

How did musical theater develop from reviews, opera to what it is today?
Musical theatre originated from something called an Operetta. An Operetta is a genre of light opera, light in terms both of music and subject matter. It is also closely related, in English-language works, to forms of musical theatre.
An Opera is a performance which started in the 1590s in Italy. This form of musical theatre includes spoken word too, such as some scenery, acting, costumes and dance. Opera is most commonly performed in an Opera house with music accompaniment in the form of an orchestra.
1830, Minstrel shows. This form of theatre was entertainment in America, these types of performance contained comical sketches, variety acts, dancing and music. This was performed mainly by white people with ‘black face’ (black painted faces),
It was a poor representation of black people depicting them to be ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous and musical.
The minstrel show first began in the early 1830s but did not become popular until the 1940s. It was still a form of entertainment until 1910, p...

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