Essay On Muscular Dystrophy

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1 in every 5600 males have muscular dystrophy. Though the disease is most commonly found in males, females are equally likely to get the genetic abnormality.
Because Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic abnormality causing lack of muscle proteins, the symptoms and treatment (or management) have an impact on everyday life.

MD (Muscular Dystrophy) is a rare genetic abnormality that causes cells to malfunction and “forget” to create the proper amount of proteins for healthy muscles. Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic abnormality that hinders people from producing the correct amount of protein need to sustain healthy muscles. The disease is usually undetected for about 12-18 months until a baby begins to attempt sitting up on its own or walking. The lack of proteins in the muscles make it hard to sit up. Additionally the proteins missing result in the muscles being weak. There are about 7 major types of MD. These 7 types include DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy), BMD (Becker Muscular Dystrophy) and a whole lot more types known to man, but I want to focus on one, DMD. Again there lot more types of MD than can be listed so it is better to focus on just one. …show more content…

The symptoms of MDM include weak muscles meaning people will most likely need a wheelchair by the time they are 10 years old. The doctors will do blood test and sometimes a muscle biopsy is used to test the fiber size of the muscle tissue. Often people will need physical therapy to keep muscle relaxed and not so stiff. There has not been a cure yet discovered, and there may never be one because it is a genetic disorder. There are several treatments that can be used, for instance; surgery is common and often, medicines can be obtained for use but they are just muscle relaxers. There are many treatments as well as challenges to everyday life with

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