Essay On Mongols

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Who were the Mongols? Although they were stereotyped to be an eastern group filled of savages with barbaric intentions they were a combination of forest and prairie people who brought much more than violence and death. Throughout time they were known as great warriors skilled in horseback riding and archery while also being capable of creating one of the most peaceful periods in history . As an end resolution, the Mongols shaped one of the largest land empires in world history that helped shape their image and contributed to their civilization in the 13th and 14th century. The Mongols initially gained territory to simply graze their herds but then sought to increase their power. After having Chinggis Khan named Supreme Ruler he launched a …show more content…

Their construction projects that consisted of the Grand Canal, palaces, roads, postal stations throughout their lands promoted major developments in science and engineering. One of their greatest accomplishments was linking Europe and Asia creating contacts between them while achieving relative stability and order. This empire that the Mongols have created became known as welcoming to foreigners and never abandoned their claim of universal rule. As far as travel was involved, the Mongols encouraged it into a large potion of Asia that was under their rule. This allowed European merchants and craftsman to travel to China and Europe received Asian goods along caravan trails which were earlier known as the Silk Roads . The demand by the European for these products then led to a s each for a sea route to Asia, because of this the Mongols led to European exploration. The Mongols were very open towards foreigners and their influences that later led to a great exchange of goods, technology, science, and people. Because of this many people had access to travel and reach China during this time that then affected future travelers find new …show more content…

They also brought the writing system that is still used by many Mongolians. A postal system whose efficiency was not matched influenced numerous areas was built through a vast area of Eurasia . Through the Mongols there was a large trade area that connected the world causing their economy to grow. An environment that allowed numerous religions was built in a time of religious fighting. Due to highly valuing their artisans, a number of arts and theater grew and introduced many advancements in glass and instruments. Due to their knowledge and diverse ideas they caused and explosion of a variety of cultures and ideas by spreading their knowledge. But, because of how much violence and power this empire had gone though they later lost this power as seen today they are small developing country. However, their contributions of ideas, science, culture, art, and trade helped shape our

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