Essay On Middle Adulthood

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The amount of sexual activity begins to decline in middle adulthood. It is said that individuals who have high sexual activity during early adulthood are more likely to continue to have more sex in middle adulthood. Sexuality in a marriage is a good indication of how a marriage is progressing. A couple that is having marital problems are not likely to engage sexually, but a couple experiencing marital bliss are more likely to have a healthy sexual relationship. Sexual activity can be a reflection of one’s self esteem and how a person feels about their personal changes. Physical change can diminish sexual arousal amongst partners. Although some individuals embrace their physical changes and find their sexual desire to be more than it was during early adulthood. 15.5 Explain how hostility and anger affect health. Constant anger and aggression is said to cause heart problems, high blood pressure and other illnesses related to stress. The expression of one’s emotions can be hazardous to one’s health. A person who is …show more content…

Middle aged women tend to feel more secure and confident in their abilities but their view of their body image tends to diminish due to others perception of them being less attractive. Middle aged men are not subjected to the negative opinion as much as others although they can have poor self-esteem due to their body image. The media, social media and magazines have changed the way people define what is attractive and what it’s and women are the focal point of majority of these images. In the media middle aged men are portrayed as business men, providers and protectors. Middle aged women are often portrayed as mothers and caregivers. Men are seen with power although women are a growing number in the workforce. The double standard is still prevalent in aging but it is not as prevalent as it was many years

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