Essay On Mexican Violence

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Part A: Criminal Violence in Mexico

Physical location of the conflict:
Criminal violence in Mexico occurs throughout Mexico and the Americas region. The northern half of Mexico has for sometime been considered a higher threat area for drug-related crime and violence due to organised criminal conflicts and competition for drug trafficking routes to the U.S. However, recent data show that violence is now also rising in the central and southern states of Mexico.

Major actors involved in the conflict:
The major players involved in the conflict are the main drug cartel groups that occupy different regions of Mexico (some of which are: La Familia Michoacán, the Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, the Beltrán-Leyva Organization, the Sinaloa Cartel, the Tijuana Cartel, and the Juárez Cartel) that cause most of the criminal violence in Mexico. Other key players include the institutions of the Mexican and U.S. government that oppose …show more content…

There is a low rate of criminal convictions meaning there is a high crime rate. Daily concerns for civilians are armed robberies, kidnappings, car thefts, credit card fraud and many different forms of residential crime. Criminals target anyone looking adequately vulnerable and lucrative. They are usually armed with handguns or knives, despite Mexico’s strict gun control laws. Organized crime also produces significant amounts of violence throughout the country. Routine displays of violence by gangs in Mexico are beheadings, lynching, torture and forced disappearances have become common. Journalists, bloggers, lawyers and police officers have been killed for reporting and investigating such incidents. In addition, gangs often charge protection fees or add their own tax to products and services, threatening violence if people don’t pay. Some criminal groups demand that individuals or whole communities work for them and threaten local governments to take up corrupt

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