Essay On Memory And Memory

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Throughout this course, I’ve learned about numerous different concepts and ideas involving the field of psychology, but the area I took the most interest in was the involvement of memory in psychology. During this course, I’ve learned that our memories are what identifies us during our youth and when we reach full adulthood and without those memories, we are lost as to who we are, and the history that defines us as well. I also learned something very interesting, those memories that leave an everlasting footprint in our minds can also assist us memorizing new content as well. The concept associated with this theory is called “The Memory Palace” or the “The Method of Loci”.

Loci is a Latin word which roughly translates to “place” or “location”. …show more content…

The reason why I find this method so important is because of the technological evolutions that are happening all around us. We have smart phones, smart refrigerators, smartbooks, and even smart houses that do most of the remembering for us. Which in my opinion makes our memory skills weaker; I can recall a time where we could remember numerous phone numbers off the back of our head now phones and social media has filled that gap for us. Some people can’t even get around their own neighborhood without using a GPS nowadays. Which is the reason I feel that methods such as the method of loci are important for people to learn because if we cannot remember the little things how are our brains supposed to remember the most important …show more content…

For example, most parents these days complain about their children spending way too much time playing video games, but you can also incorporate video games into the loci method as well. I can guarantee most adolescents have this one game their exceptionally good at, and when tested they know every corner of that stage by memory. Now if we would ask the child to think about his favorite level with his eyes closed and incorporate a different set of numbers at various checkpoints in the video game while he carries out completing the stage. I can almost guarantee subconsciously that he can remember if not almost, all the numbers we threw out the various checkpoints for the simple fact is we are not creating a new memory we are just overwriting it so the brain has to do less work.

“The memory system functions when the memoriser can walk through the structure (palace) in his mind, from site to site (background to background) in their sequential order, and thereby connect up the signifying items (images) placed here. This facilitates the recall of a memorised sequence of events.”. (Bewernick, 224) In my opinion, I believe this quote is significant to the topic at hand because it simplifies the process of the loci method for everyone to understand. It displays what’s necessary to utilize the method and it gives an explanation as to why the recall

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