Essay On Lungs

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Lungs In this research project, I am going to talk what the lungs are, why they are important and what they do. I am also going to be talking about how the lungs work, problems that can happen in the lungs, the location of the lungs, and more. Your lungs are organs in your chest that allow you and your body to take in oxygen from the air. They also help you remove carbon dioxide, which is a waste gas that can be toxic, from your body. The lungs work after you inhale through your mouth or nose. The air travels down the back of your throat and then it passes through your voice box and into your windpipe. Your trachea, which is an anatomical structure used for breathing, is divided into two air passages called the bronchial tubes. One of the bronchial tube leads to the left lung and the other one lead to the right lung. For the lungs to do their job very well, the airways have to be open during inhalation and exhalation. They also need to be free from swelling and a lot of mucus. Your right lung has 3 sections called lobes, which is a little bit larger than the left lung, which has only 2 lobes instead of 3. The bronchial tubes divide into smaller air passages called the bronchi, and then into bronchioles. At the end of bronchioles are tiny air sacs called alveoli, where oxygen is transferred from the air you inhale to your blood. The average adult’s lungs contain about 600 million of these structures. Everyone has millions of alveoli in our lungs. There are enough alveoli in one lung to cover a tennis court! The alveoli are where the gas exchange takes place. The air sacs are surrounded by blood vessels that connect to the heart. The ones that link to the pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood that needs to be refreshed.... ... middle of paper ... ... When you take part in certain exercises (like biking, running, or swimming, for example), your lungs require more air to give your cells the extra oxygen they need. As you breathe more deeply and take in more air, your lungs become stronger and better at supplying your body with the air it needs to succeed. Keep your lungs healthy and they will thank you for life! Whether we are asleep or awake, we don’t have to think about breathing. It is so important but it happens automatically. If we didn’t breathe, we couldn’t live. Bibliography:

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