Essay On Lucid Dreaming

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Self-healing through Lucid Dreaming: Rough Draft
A man with an unknown disease was going to die. He tried every possible medication, treatment, and therapy available. None of them worked. As hopes of living were quickly diminishing, he came across a man who saved his life. This man revealed a method to him known as Self-healing through Lucid Dreaming, which after a couple of weeks helped the man make a miraculous recovery. This example helps demonstrate the idea that self-healing can be obtained through Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming enables a person to be aware that they are dreaming and they therefore can control themselves within their dreams. It is possiable to achieve mental clarity while in a dream like state. By establishing a sense of the mental clarity one can heal their mind psychologically and physically, boosting levels of creativity and self realization, as well as significantly improving their problem solving skills and spike curiosity of life. Lucid Dreaming is an escape from reality that is waiting to be explored. Lucid dreaming is defined simply as, dreaming when one is aware they are doing so. The term “lucid”, meaning mental clarity, was thought of by Fredrik Van Eeden in the late 1910’s. Lucidity is normally known to happen in the midst of a dream, which happens as soon as the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. At this point, the body then detaches from the mind in a way that makes most of the dreamers body not act out the dream occurring.
The exceptions to the body detaching from the mind are the eyes. The eyes continuing to move is known as REM or Rapid eye movement. Professor Joseph explains, “While in REM sleep, most of the muscles become paralyzed and the activity of the brain's neurons become...

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...studied for over 100 years and still not everything is
known about them. Scientists should continue to dig into this study, as it may possibly increase health rate in the lives too come. Thanks to the work of people like La Berge and a couple more, more information is becoming known every day. Lucid Dreaming may not be the first option to turn to when in need of healing, but one should not forget the possibility that there may be a high chance that one may be cured by it. If someone has an illness in which there are no scientifically proven cures, then surely exploring the concept of mind over matter is a great idea because one has a life to gain and not much to lose. In conclusion by establishing a sense of mental and physical wellness through lucid dreaming and sharing our discoveries with others it will result to higher health rate and an over all better world.

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