Essay On Linguistic Intelligence And Writing Performance

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It seems that there are more significant relationships between some intelligences such as linguistic intelligence and writing performance. For instance, an individual with high linguistic intelligence should have better writing performance, at a high probability, since s/he can “use words effectively both orally and in writing. Particularly, s/he is sensitive to the meaning, order of words and functions of language.” (Gardner. H. 2006. 1991). This individual would have both required intelligence and in effect lower test anxiety in order to have a better performance on writing test. Correspondingly, these possessions will assist the test taker to demonstrate his/her actual knowledge and a better performance on test. In sum, to close the gaps …show more content…

(2-tailed) .662 N 40 40
Writing Test Performance Pearson Correlation -.071 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .662 N 40 40

After analyzing the correlations between the 8 types of intelligence and the writing performance, it was found that two of them, i.e. logical mathematical [r= 0154, n=40, p=0.344] and natural intelligence [r=0.172, n=39, p=0.296], had positive but not strong relationship. As indicated in table 2, some intelligences such as spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal had a negative but not statistically significant correlation with writing performance. Interestingly, the results of the present study also revealed that the linguistic intelligence had a negative correlation [r=-0.296, n=40, p=0.064] with writing performance. Although this level of correlation is not strongly correlated, there is a significant correlation (sig= 0.039 < 0.05) between linguistic intelligence and writing test performance. Table 2. Correlation between types of multiple intelligence and writing performance

Ling L-Math Spat B-Kin Music Interp Intrap Natu
Writing Test Pearson Correlation -.328* .154 -.014 -.128 -.280 -.146 -.156

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