Essay On Jamestown Survival

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In this essay i'm going to explain two major events in u.s history one is the “jamestown survival” and the “Plymouth plantation.” They were from europe who decided they wanted to make a change and set sail west. They also wanted to prove others that their is land out there. As they set sail things took a turn. (pg.6) a lot of things went south and the people who survived this event in time was a lucky person. The loss of man terrified others to see the outcome of the results. These men and some woman have almost seen it all from starving to getting eaten alive by rodents. This started the new begining of america. The first company who arrived to the americas was the Virginia company. There captain was called John smith who was born in the …show more content…

They soon captured john smith and were ready to kill him, but because of one specific person saved him from death and her name was “pocahontas.” when she meet smith she was at the age 11 and was the daughter of the chief of the natives. He soon escaped again to go search for food and never returned. As he returned he spoke to his men and told them “dont work, dont eat.” This became his motto until he died. Next company who arrived were the “Pilgrims.” this company was named the “Plymouth plantation.” they soon after set sail after the Virginia company. They left with 100 men and women an most of them had died because of natural causes or something else. (pg.7)The person who lead them on this exploration was the person by the name of “William Bradford.” he was born on march 13, 1560 in Austerfield, u.k. He was one of the signatories to the Mayflower compact the ship they boated on. When they arrived they landed on the north eastern part of the u.s. Called Massachusetts. After the first two months they formed permanent settlement for the europeans. During there first winter there the original settler had died, but the people were able to save the settlement paper that brought peace with our neighboring native

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