Essay On Interculturalism

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As Quebec opens its doors to immigrations there have been many issues dealing with these different cultures. From Quebec to integrate them into society, Quebec needs to make policies and rules for them to ablate to. But because of this certain policy being place, they cause tensions and conflict within society, such as dealing with the Anglophones and Allophones. We shall discuss the issue that Quebec has with the minority’s and as well look into their policy of interculturalism We shall focus on two policies that was the start of Quebec intergrading immigrates, the protection of linguistic minorities and reasonable accommodation from both sides that they believe is best for society. Integration demand many policies throughout Quebec insinuation, such as education, employment and training for all those necessities. To begin with, shall list certain policy that Québec government hasplaced throughout the years, From the Quit revolution till today. First in 1980 the policy know as Autant de facon d’etre quebecois: Enonce de politique en matiere d’immigration et d’integration. This policy had three objectives. “1. Ensuring the preservation, specificity, and development of cultural communites; 2. Sensitizing francophone Quebecers to the place of cultural communities in developing a common heritage; and 3. promoting the integration of the cultural communities in Quebec society especially in the sectors where they were under-represented particularly in the public service”. (Lacovino, 255) This policy was the first step on integrating the immigrants and ethnic cultural minority member into Quebec. As well to find a balance and harmony between the majority and minority groups, it prompts a convergence of cultures as the most favourable in... ... middle of paper ... in all the religious tradition from the various groups, but do not break upon the values and customs of the majority. In conclusion Quebec throughout history has been a minority in a majority. If Quebec really wants to become an independent society, they would need a way to resolve all these problems could be resolved if the government, would withdraw all these bills, set up policies of resistance to neoliberalism and defend the social rights and public, language policy to advancing French as the as language to work in and the a language to adopt for the immigrates, final policy based on recognition of the rights, aspiration of the newcomers and their economic, social and cultural integrations in Quebec A society that is in constant evolution. From Quebec to ever really success to become a host society they need to open up and not push away the people coming in.

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