Essay On Infatuation In Romeo And Juliet

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In approximately the 1590’s, William Shakespeare composed Romeo and Juliet, a masterpiece of the very concept of superb writing in early history. This play has not only inspired the minds of young readers all over the world for centuries, but has also set the bar for tragic love stories overall. Therefore, it is no surprise that Romeo and Juliet excels in its depiction of love and infatuation which naturally raises the potential for the lesson of the difference between the two. This is evident by its struggle within the main character’s relationships. These relationships include Romeo and Rosaline, Juliet and Paris, and most distinct, Romeo and Juliet. These relationships are a prime example of life and the lessons within. These observations …show more content…

This is evident by Romeo’s infatuation with Rosaline based off nothing other than her looks and her raw attractiveness (Hager). Furthermore, when he and Rosaline split paths, it was quite obvious that Romeo was only following her around and going to parties that she had attended because he was in attempts to get back together with her not for any other reason than that. Some may argue that Romeo was tailing Rosaline because he simply couldn’t bare being away from her because he was in love with her. Although it's not a coincidence that as soon as Romeo sees Juliet at the party that he could easily move on from Rosaline to her. If Romeo had deeper feelings or even the most slight feelings for Rosaline, he wouldn’t have given up so easily to give him and Juliet a shot, or at the very least he would have battled with the decision, but no he did not. Some may also argue that Romeo’s spontaneous love for Juliet just overpowered his “love” for Rosaline. That also may very well be true, however the same answer applies, he would have at the very least struggled with the decision over the two of them, but no, his decision to leave Rosaline for Juliet took about as long as it did for Juliet’s eyes to meet his gaze the night of the party. These key points are precisely why Romeo and Rosaline’s relationship was nothing other than physical attraction and nothing deeper than

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