Essay On Importance Of Cinema

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The cinema is a source of transmission of values of various kinds, both cultural and social, as well as educational and emotional values. The responsibility of being able to reflect on what our children will perceive corresponds to the adults of reference and will be fundamental in order to develop their critical spirit and have a culture of image that allows us to reflect together on what is seen externally and internally.

Currently, we have multiple sources where we can previously investigate what values children will receive through the screen. There are specialized film blogs by age, by themes, film reviews, viewing of trailers, etc. It is worth investing a little time to understand what children receive from the big screen.

As a transmitter …show more content…

- " To provide a medium for knowledge and expression that benefits the development of creative, cognitive, artistic and expressive abilities".

- "To foster an instrument for creation based on knowledge and own experiences " .

To this could be added:

- Transmit useful values to work the resolution of conflicts

- Develop the critical sense of the students

In short, the cinema presents society and the beings that inhabit it, interacting with each other, interacting with each other and starring in activities of daily life. This is what makes cinema a very interesting didactic resource, which allows us to study society and the different cultural realities that make it up (family, peer group …show more content…

6 - Encourage children to reflect.

7 - Encourage the use of children's senses .

8 - Motivate the exercise of thought.

9 - Stimulate creativity and imagination.

10 - Make children feel more secure.

11 - Help the children to play with their fantasy .

The best age for children to start attending theater classes is from five years of age . At this age, the child will be able to read, understand, and his memory power is high. Children absorb everything they hear.

Theater is education and fun
The fact that the child begins to do theater does not mean that he will become an actor. Children, in children's theater, do not do theater or learn theater. They play to create, invent and learn to participate and collaborate with the group . The children's theater classes are therapeutic and socializing. Group work, psychomotor exercises and physical contact between classmates are the basis of dramatic education. The theater is an inexhaustible field of fun and education at the same time . To the smallest, the theater should not be restricted to the representation of a show. Children's theater is not about promoting and creating stars, but it must be seen as an experience that is acquired through the game

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