Essay On Horse Whisperer

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knowledge of all the information given in this book. Hopefully you will catch up as soon as you can spare the time.
As you assume the role of Pack Leader and gradually train your dog to become compliant you may wonder if when you eventually complete the training schedule and have an obedient dog is it going to stay that way? - Well the answer is yes and no. Yes your dog will have learned how to accept it's place in your pack and it will con- tinue to be obedient and behave as you have now trained it to be. However, you cannot leave it at that. You will have to maintain your role as pack leader 24/7 you will also have to control your dog in the way that we will show you in this book.
You will be relieved to know that you should not …show more content…

If you follow the guidance given here you should end up with a better behaved and a happier dog. You should also have some fun along the way.
OK folks its time for you to learn how to get control of your dog.
[Dog Whisperer - The meaning of the term.]
I have tried to find an exact definition and origin of this term but there are several variations the following is based on the definition given in Wikipedia.
A horse whisperer is a horse trainer or breaker who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the horse, based on the natural evolution of the horse and modern equine psychology .The term goes back to the early nineteenth century when Daniel Sullivan made a name for himself in England by rehabilitating horses that had become vicious and intractable due to abuse or accidental trauma.
Sullivan kept his methods secret, but people who managed to observe him noticed that he would stand face to face with the troubled horse and often spoke very softly to them. They seemed to think that he must be saying something to the horse in a way the horse could understand and accept because the horses were quickly

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