Essay On Hirsutism

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If you are trying to diagnose hirsutism it would be by looking for excessive amounts of hair on the chest, face, thighs, and also rear. If there is an abnormal amount of hair on the individual then that would be a sign to go and visit a doctor. Also, if the hair is thick and dark instead of fine and fair that is another indicator of someone who possibly has hirsutism. The severity of this can be evaluated by looking at hair growth in different areas such as the upper lip, chin, chest, and upper arms. The hair growth can be evaluated on a scale from 0-4, with 0 meaning no hair and 4 meaning heavy hair growth.
This disorder effects the integumentary system because it causes an irregularity in the system which leads to imbalances. The integumentary system would probably have accelerated processes and values that are out of control because of the excess amount of hair. …show more content…

That is the only way that this could possibly be prevented. Other than that, hirsutism is just one of those things that one would have to find a way to live with and treat after the fact. One can also try to have a low fat/low calorie diet.
In most cases of hirsutism, it can be treated successfully with medication and cosmetic attention. It will require a lot of time and persistence to treat. Therapies also help to bring of a desired outcome, but a combined approach can bring for an even better result.
The ways to treat hirsutism would be first explaining what hirsutism is to the patient so that it would help the patient better understand what the disorder involves. The most effective strategy would be combining systematic therapy. Shaving, waxing, and plucking are manual ways of removing the hair from patient. Laser hair removal and creams are also ways to treat

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