Essay On Genetic Engineering

548 Words2 Pages

Genetic Engineering: Is it right or wrong? Is genetic engineering right or wrong? To answer these questions we need to define genetic engineering. It is the use of biotechnology to control the genes of an organism. Genetic engineering isn’t new. It has been with us for centuries. In those days, we used it for agriculture and selective breeding of animals. Our pets, especially dogs and cats are good example of selective breeding. Genetic engineering has become so controversial lately, but why? This is because it raises ethical and ecological issues. For example, the topic of designer babies has been subject to so many debates. Should we have the right to decide what features our babies have? There are also questions like, if a transgenic animal with human DNA has degrees of intelligence that has never been seen before, Should these animals have rights? When we make huge advances, who will have access to this technology and how scarce will it be? What if a transgenic animal introduces a new disease into our world? A featherless chicken has been selectively bred by scientist at the He...

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