Essay On Fluid Power

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What is Fluid Power?
Fluid power is the use of fluids under pressure to generate, control, and transmit power. The two main types of fluid power are hydraulic and pneumatic. Applications range from brute force needed in heavy industry to sensitive positioning of parts in precision machining operations. Fluid power is one of the three types of power transfer systems commonly used today. The fluids for hydraulic systems are usually consisted of a water soluble oil or water glycol mixture and then converted into a mechanical output that is capable of doing work on a load. Hydraulic systems have a greater range than mechanical and electrical systems and can provide more power than other systems of equal size. They are accurate, operate at high pressures, move slowly, and have strong components. Pneumatic systems don’t use fluids but use air to generate power. They are less accurate, move faster, and are much lighter in weight. Both systems provide precise control of torque, speed, and force.
The first signs of fluid power use were seen by the Egyptians, Persians, and Chinese when they built gates, ditches, and dams to control water for irrigation systems. Over time many different variations and developments were made that ended up leading to the invention of the waterwheel to lift water for irrigation purposes to turn simple mills which provided power well into the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The wind and watermills had very low power outputs and usually only produced about 3 to 5 horsepower. Early uses of fluid power were based off of low pressure water and air that were provided by nature. These methods are still in use by some industries today.
Historians have felt that many early machines and devices were developed and o...

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...Alan Hitchcox of H&P this shouldn’t be a concern, “even if we don’t see the unbelievable progress that has occurred with phones and computers, the steady stream of advancements in the industry promise to keep fluid power a viable means of power transmission well into the future”[Hitchcox]
Fluid power has allowed massive strides in production that are exponentially greater than anything attempted by man power alone. These powerful machines have practical applications in industries such as Petrochemical, agriculture, and everything in between. Without the use of fluid power machinery the production of farms across the globe would be no where near the production levels to support the growing population of the planet. The fluid power industry has played an important role in the marketplace as well as many industries and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

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