Essay On Female Infanticide

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As if sensing her father’s displeasure, the baby starts wailing softly. That’s it – he grabs her roughly, and before her mother can react, the baby is murdered. The only crime she had committed was that of being a girl.
Female infanticide is the deliberate killing of newborn female children or the termination of a female fetus through selective abortion. It is the intentional killing of girl child due to the preference for male babies and the inferior value and status of girls in the society.
Express Tribune reported in 2011 about Sana Siddiqui, who was Just 22 and was expecting her first child. Her ultrasound revealed a baby girl in the womb. After couple of minutes of the birth, the baby was wiped off the earth without a trace.
On December 6, 2010, the lifeless bodies of two newly born babies were found from the city’s garbage dumps. These bodies were then given their final bath at Edhi Centre before burial in Karachi, stated Express Tribune.
On January 14, 2014 Aljazeera America reported another case of female infanticide in Karachi (Haryana Colony), “Just 2 days after a mother gave birth her husband killed the child, their first, because she was a girl.”
The cases which have made headlines of Karachi in the past few months include the gang rape of five-year-old girl abandoned on a railway line, a baby girl thrown into a river by her father, an abandoned newborn discovered in a burning garbage dump, in-laws suffocated the baby girl with a pillow and much more on the same issue. The number of Pakistani children who have been murdered by cruel and insensitive people of the society has risen exponentially over the past five years. What’s even more troubling? The increasing numbers of deaths amongst infants are baby girls. The numb...

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...No’. Promotion of gender equality should be considered in light of Millennium Development Goal 8 which states, “Promote gender equality and empower women”
In conclusion, it is not easy to change the attitude towards female infanticide overnight. It is a major issue of our society which is influenced by numerous factors and is influencing many other. It can only be eradicate if we as individual take stand for that. Report wherever the practice is prevailing, spread the words for awareness, stop gender discrimination. Wipe off such evil practice before you have to wipe off your own female child. This is surely possible through knowledge, women empowerment and awareness in society and by collaborative work on policies and law with governmental organization. Just glance back, where would you come from if someone had killed your mother for the sake of female infanticide?

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