Essay On Fear Of Slave Education

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During the years of slavery, education was an extremely controversial issue among these individuals. The entire nation's economy depended heavily upon the free labor of slaves, which made so many oppose the idea of abolition. The main fear in the education of slaves was that they would revolt; and the southern economy would collapse, therefore, causing detrimental effects on the country's economy as a whole. Despite slave owners' attempts at limited or no education for their slaves, due to their fear of slave rebellion, these individuals overcame the cycle of dependence, but not without the teaching initiated from their ancestors. Many slaves were encouraged by members of the previous generation to explore various aspects of their African ancestry, culture, and education. On most …show more content…

They were to respect their parents above anything else. They were punished when they did not listen. If one's master called him or her at the same time that a parent called, children were expected to come to the parent rather than the master. Of course, problems resulted; and the child would be punished by whomever he or she disobeyed. This caused children to resent both groups, but parents continued to go to extremes to teach their children respect. Through a compilation of journals, Edmund Drago created a solid argument regarding the Whites' fear of slave education. Slaves had to take classes in secret, behind the backs of their masters; however most slave owners were afraid to allow their "property  to be educated beyond the tasks of farming and housekeeping. They believed that knowledge would lead the slaves to hostility and revolt. Few slaves rose from their original status to the ranks of the slave elite or even the free-black. Slaves gained status among themselves by the work they did for other slaves rather than that which they did for their

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