Essay On Fat Tax

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Negative - Fat Tax

Let's be honest, obesity is caused by more factors than over-eating and consumption of excess calories. Obesity is also frequently linked to genetic factors and lack of exercise. Food is a necessity. Administering a cigarette tax model to all sweetened or fatty foods to combat obesity is neither logical nor practical. It would be more successful to tax calories per food item or directly tax citizens according to their weight or body mass index. However, both of these actions would be publicly unpopular and morally problematic, but so would a tax on food if it were set at a level considered to significantly affect obesity. Therefore, we firmly stand in opposition of Resolved: There should be a “fat tax” on all sweetened or fatty foods.

The definition of a fat tax is, “a specific tax placed on foods considered to be unhealthy and contribute towards obesity. A fat tax would be similar in principle to a cigarette or alcohol tax.”( Contrary to a cigarette tax though, it would be significantly more difficult to change America's eating habits by taxation or control of fatty and sugary foods.

Which leads to our first contention, fatty foods are not the only factors that influence obesity and …show more content…

Thus we stand in firm opposition of Resolved: There should be a “fat tax” on all sweetened or fatty foods. A fat tax is a slippery slope. After the government implements a fat tax, what stops airlines from unfairly charging passengers based on weight? Singling out specific items in our diet to tax is a poor method to combat obesity. The solution to the obesity problem will not come from a government imposed food tax. The solution to obesity will come from consumers making good decisions about their own diets, exercise and health

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