Essay On Family Negotiation

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Negotiation is a method by which people solve differences. It is an exercise by which settlement or agreement is reached while avoiding disagreement and discussion. In any argument, people, as expected, aim to gain the best result for their status. However, the concepts of fairness, looking for common benefit and retaining a relationship are the keys to effective and successful outcome.
Family is the nuclear of the society. So, living in a healthy family environment is helping to have a better society. Family conflicts such as negotiating with kids are very important and need to be solved.
Talking To Children

You say, “It’s time for bed.” “It’s time to go.” “It’s dinnertime.” But you kid says. “5 more minutes.” You are tired …show more content…

Parents should learn how to control their behavior and emptions. “One thing we know from observing negotiators of all ages is that when emptions run high, negotiating skill drops dramatically.”
In family negotiations, you, as a parent, are not expecting a quick give and take. You are dealing with it for the long haul. You should start your negotiation from the main road, and mostly with your kids so that they impress with their self-respect intact.
On the other hand, when children feel that their parents listen to them and take their concern into account, it increases their self-reliance and self-dependence. When you communicate correctly with your kid, then each of you will come with the viewpoint and tendency, “I can support what you want because this is not your deal, it is our deal.”
The Most Common Problem
The Internet provides irrefutable benefits in expanding a teenager’s ability to grow with modern technology, technical opinions, proficiency and other skills. However, using the Internet, especially the social networking websites, unsafely puts the children at very high risk for many …show more content…

Each parent should pay attention to the matter seriously and agree on common goals. Then, negotiate the situation together and determine the wanted goals. If not, the child will call to the more uncertain parent and make division between you.
Also, parents must talk to their kids and accept the list of rules that obviously define when to use the Internet, which sites are permitted and what safety measures they should follow.

Successful Negotiation
You are the parent and sometimes making unwelcome decisions are necessary. But, you and your child may be able to find out solutions that work better for both sides and create significant communication skills and add trust.
5 Steps of negotiation with teenagers are as follow:
1. Start with respect: Be ready to give and take with your child as long as he/she doesn’t start screaming or saying bad words.
2. Set a good example: If we have a respectful behavior with our child, he/she will be more likely to reach an argument with the same attitude.
3. Start by listening: Although, you disagree with your children, listening to them demonstrates your respect to their ideas and opinions.
4. Be clear on what is not negotiable: Select which rules must be done without any negotiation, and which rules are open to

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