Essay On Exploitation Of Pop Culture

1936 Words4 Pages

Popular Culture: Exploitation of Women in Music Videos
Popular culture, or pop culture, is defined as cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people. Its aim it to provide the masses with something that contains qualities of mass appeal that therefore provides consumerism. Popular culture isn’t a stranger to any topic including, music videos, advertisements, art, television programs, movies, performances, fashion statements, forms of leisure, toys, and other endless possibilities. Though pop culture entertains the masses, it is also very influential within our society. It provides us with both positive influences, such as economic effect in pop music and other cultural forms, a unifying effect for a global audience, freedom of speech and its cultural transmissions to the rest of the world helps represent diversity, racial equality and tolerance and negative influences, such as glamorizing violence and sex, it cheapens the value of education, emphasizes the importance of material things versus hard work, education, and well-made relationships with family and friends, and most importantly, it contributes to the stereotypes of ourselves and others, including women. Popular culture portrays a fantasy life and that is what seems to appeal to all of us, but instead of trying to stop the influence of pop culture, we need to learn how to think for ourselves, stop believing everything we see in the media and demand to stop portraying certain groups in a negative way. The type of popular culture that I will be speaking about is women in the music world and how certain artists exploit women, making them look more like objects than actual human beings.
“’James Potter ...

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...ernalizing negative stereotypes about women. Before taking this class I never fully understood how hard it is to be a woman in this world, yes I’ve heard that women do get equal pay or they lack the same amount of opportunities that men do, but this just disappear in the work environment, it’s everywhere! Movies, TV, books, music, etc. they all give women a bad rap and in doing so, it affects women real life by producing these gender ideologies of how women should present themselves and how they should be. After closely analyzing these three music videos and their messages, I have taken those skills in slightly listening to other types of music or any form of entertainment and I have noticed how many groups of people are exploited. Without proper guidance or knowledge, we won’t be able to stop these stereotypes from affecting our views of people in our society.

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