Essay On Ethics And Discipline

552 Words2 Pages

Mariah Mikhaela C. Chua 2013-26914 April 25, 2014
Social Science II - Sir Dennis Quilala

Ethics and your Discipline
What is the universally accepted basis of right and wrong? That is one difficult question because the concept of right and wrong is actually relative. Ethical norms have developed over time and across cultures as people of goodwill consider human relationships and how human beings act when they are at their best. However, the meaning of ethics is still hard to pin down. Philosophically, ethics is an attempt to answer Socrates' question of how one should live. This is a general question which, for any individual, could translate to "How should I live?" Not all answers to this question are of the ethical type as one may say he or she would lead a self-indulgent life. Ethics tries to answer "How should one live?" given that we already live in a society.
How do people define ethics? The perception of ethics significantly vary among individuals, disciplines, and countries. Many people tend to equate ethics with their feelings. But more often, feelings get in the way ...

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