Essay On Electronic Waste

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Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, has been a growing problem in the world due to the growth of technology. With just about every American home and many homes around the world having not only one but multiple computers and other electronic devices it raises the question of where is all of those electronics going when new and updated electronics are bought. Although many Americans believe that there cannot be anything done about their e-waste and the problem it has presented to the environment, however there are things being done to prevent harm such as less hazardous products being used in electronics, laws on disposal, and proper recycling habits. In America, according to the Consumer Electronic Association there are “approximately 24 electronic products per household” (E-cycling p. 1). That is just for America, that doesn’t include all the other developed countries that use electronic devices as much as us Americans do. When we are done with all these electronics where do they go? Most all of is goes to landfills around the world. The e-waste that is sent to these landfills “contains more than 45 elements”(BBC p.1). When the electronics in these landfills aren’t buried, they are burned. When the electronics contain these different elements and are burned, “toxic emissions (are) created when the items are improperly treated”(BBC …show more content…

When the waste takes up too much space in the landfills, burning is the only thing that can be done to get more space. Burning these elements sends hazardous gases into the air affecting the people and environment around it. To help stop these hazardous gases from harming the surroundings, “several electronic companies are already (making) products using fewer hazardous substances”(Ford 1). By putting more environmental friendly items in our electronics, burning the e-waste won’t do harm to the environment and the people in

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