Essay On Education In Saudi Arabia

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Education continues to be the first priority of almost all nations around the world. Saudi Arabia has been devoting enormous resources to ensure equal opportunity to study for its people. The education in Saudi Arabia becomes a very important part of the people’s life and will keep this significance to the future to meet the social and economic demands of the country. Furthermore, the mission of the government toward the education is that the education is one of the most important investments that the country can make in its people. The educational systems in Saudi Arabia always keep developing their tools to meet not just the local goal, but also the global demands and challenges (Stevenson, 2012). Saudi Arabia’s general education system has gone through an astonishing transformation. In 1930’s formally begins the primary education because it was only available to very few people, most of them children of wealthy families living in the major cities. By 1951 King Abdul Aziz (1932 – 1953) has set up a publicly funded secondary and high school system, after that in 1954 was founded the Ministry of Education (MOE) located in Riyadh. Since that time, the government increased awareness on the importance of education to its people, which provided a bountiful support to education. In Saudi Arabia, students in general education have options to choose what school they will attend public, private, or now international school. Most of parents at present prefer international modern schools because they are thinking that these schools provide better, different cultural environment, and quality education to children, especially for those who seeking a competitive edge in college admission in universities around the world. This paper aims to pro...

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...national schools (CIS) to achieving features of high standards.
American Modern School’s Structure

IX. Conclusion

This paper has examined the relationships in education between the United States and Saudi Arabia. It has covered and drew a business plan to create an international school in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The plan is gave an introduction and overview of the background of the international education in Saudi Arabia. Also, it is showed the main goal of establishing this school, and it analyses the current state of the international education. Moreover, this plan focuses on many different items such as marketing, legal, politic and economic challenges, and quality of the school’s system. Finally, it reinforces the friendship and social growth through international cooperation and to service the world citizenship through challenging programs.

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