Essay On Economics And Macroeconomics

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INTRODUCTION The study of economics defines two broad parts of this science : Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. As a starting point explanation of differences and relationships between this two parts will be provided. Microeconomics could be explained as general conception of individuals and business decisions. On other hand there is conception of government decisions and international trading processes called Macroeconomics. This pair of concepts and their integration in each other became a great discussion among many economists. Summary and humble opinion will be represented in the Body part. BODY PART Microeconomics is about decisions which peoples and businesses make regarding the allocation of resources/prices/services. But on another …show more content…

Continuing previously said idea we should not forget about fields of research. Talking about individuals, separate companies, separate industries and processes in that sector it is obvious that this ones all about microeconomics. Also it is significant to bare in mind, what when we define salaries, charges and decisions in scale of one ,separate object, N company,for instance,in is still Microeconomics. But, if topic is “Charges,salaries and decisions of Uzbekistan” this is macroeconomy’s issue. Furthermore some interesting fact can be stated her: Macroeconomics addresses large-scale economic parameters that influence on the overall population. So, policymakers therefore have to take macroeconomic decisions as setting rates and balancing an inflation, remembering about its trade and foreign exchange …show more content…

As a first summarizing point lets remember the thing, which was presented in the introduction: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are two big branches of tree calles Economics science. They are quite different, independent and difficult studies ,but despite all this fact Microeconomics cannot exist without Macroeconomics and vice versa. Furthermore some interesting fact can be stated her: Macroeconomics addresses large-scale economic parameters that influence on the overall population. So, policymakers therefore have to take macroeconomic decisions as setting rates and balancing an inflation, remembering about its trade and foreign exchange rate. Also government always want to prevent a depressions, to avoid this situation, which occurs when there has been long recession and degradation for over several years. The results of this process appear as increased unemployment , huge poverty, reduced credit, a shrinking GDP and overall economic volatility. While Microeconomics studies economical behavior and character of making decisions by individuals and separate household of firms or I ndustries ,Macroeconomics studies all system at another,biggest scale of

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