Essay On Dual Enrollment

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In a study done in 2003, results showed that students who took dual enrollment courses were ten percent more likely to complete a Bachelor's degree than the comparison group (Kleiner). The influence dual enrollment has on a student can be extremely beneficial. Dual enrollment courses are when a highschool student enrolls with a local community college and earns high school and college credit for each class taken. Students take on the task of a college level work load and responsibility while attending high school. Having the opportunity to take dual enrollment classes in high school has positively impacted me by increasing my determination, responsibility, and maturity. My determination to succeed academically has positively increased due to taking college courses in high school. The drive that dual enrollment has helped me develope has expanded my resume and school involvement. For example, I have become …show more content…

Senior year dual enrollment students are held accountable to drive to the designated college and show up for class on time. I will soon be in charge of working and paying for half of my car payment which allows me to drive to Enterprise State Community College (ESCC) and simulates a real world responsibility of maintaining bills. Also, by giving me the task of transportation, I have learned important time management skills in order to show up punctually. College courses at ESCC cost around four hundred to five hundred dollars for three to four credit hours. Paying this amount of money helps serve as a reminder for me to stay focused and do well. By having my parents take on the financial burden, doing well has become a greater responsibility to me, Taking these expensive classes has taught me the important lesson in that paying and working for something will result in more value in the end versus having it handed

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