Why Does Your Dog Chew On Everything In Sight?

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There’s nothing more disappointing than walking in the house and seeing your favorite pair of shoes somewhere they shouldn’t be – in your dog's mouth. Fortunately, this is the only item the dog got a hold of while you were away. Your first instinct might be to discipline your dog, but before you do that, it’s important for you to understand why your dog is chewing on thing in the first place.

While all dogs and puppies go through chewing phases, it’s important for pet owners to remember that this behavior is, in fact, natural. In other words, chewing help dogs clean their teeth and keep their gums healthy. On the other hand, chewing can also be a way dogs relieve stress, anxiety, and frustration – a therapy session. Nonetheless, chewing the wrong household items can be extremely harmful to the dog and result in chipped teeth, infected gums, or blockage in the …show more content…

If you’re tired of finding your shoes covered in saliva and picking up pieces fabric, sit back, relax, and take the following tips into consideration to help the situation.

Separation Anxiety: A dog’s bite force on average is anywhere between 57 and 77 psi and gets harder depending on the situation. Dogs that are in distress, for instance, typically bite harder than dogs that aren’t. Luckily, for pet owners, a dog’s behavior is usually motivated by something else – something external. But perhaps one of the biggest complaints from pet owners regarding their dogs chewing habit occurs when the animal is left in the house alone – separation anxiety. Dog’s don’t understand why their owners leave the house all day to go to work, they just know it makes them sad and depressed.

If this is the case, however, dogs might urinate, bark, pace, and of course, chew on anything they see to help fill that void. How do you know if your dog is chewing on household objects because they’re

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