Essay On Do Not Resuscitate Orders

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Imagine a loved one in horrific pain with no medication or procedure to fix the discomfort. After suffering for a months maybe even years the option of a Do Not Resuscitate order arises. This may be difficult to hear and watch as a loved one decides if their heart stops beating they will not be resuscitated. Not being resuscitated will end their pain and relieve them from a life they are not enjoying. A Do Not Resuscitate order is a medical order written by a doctor. A person signs it and it states no health care provider can not cardiopulmonary resuscitate the person ("Understanding Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders”). These means if a person’s heart stops beating or they stop breathing doctors can not attempt to revive them to get their heartbeating again or start breathing again. Even though some people believe Do Not Resuscitate orders should be illegal, nevertheless, DNR’s should be legal because it is the patient's choice, they are not the person they used to be, they do not want to hurt anymore, and the patient …show more content…

Knowing this it only makes sense that the doctors make sure the patients’ requests are held above all. When a patient asks for a Do Not resuscitate order this means they have reason to want to not be revived when their heart stops. In case two, a 70 year old woman had cancer spread throughout her body. She knew she would not get better and it would only get worse. She had a doctor sign a do not resuscitate order to make sure if her heart stopped she would not be resuscitated and would not have to continue life in pain (“Do Not Resuscitate: Case Studies”). This is a great example when DNR’s do the best for the patient who have been suffering and not feel like themselves. The idea that a patient who has fought a long hard struggle or one who is not able to do actions people take for granted everyday they should have the right to get a Do Not Resuscitate

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