Essay On Disobedience

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Disobedience always has been used to get a point across or make a statement. Over the last 400 years there have been instances that people have disobeyed to make a point such as to give human rights to people, the abolishment of slavery or to end a war. Oscar wilde stated that “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history is a man's original virtue. It is through disobedience progress has been made”. Through rebellions , uprisings and protest there was always change. The people's voices were heard loud enough that action took place.
Since the dawn of time there was leaders that stood up for what they thought was right and one notable figure was Martin Luther King Jr. He believed that colored people should attend schools with whites, …show more content…

He started out small with the help of a few friends and ultimately it became a revolution that involved every single migrant workers in the state of california. Chavez had the help of Robert Kennedy to give better working conditions to the workers. That did not last long until he got assassinated. But that did not stop him he fought and fought hard. He had a way of doing things without violence, he had fasted for 21 days without eating and was able to get the grape boycott to england. It took ten years for migrant workers to get the benefits they needed to go back to work without mistreated but in the end it was worth it. Through dedication and motivation he was able to help the field workers and still to this day he is always a person that was a leader that rebelled for what he believed in.
Disobedience is always an effective tool for any person whether a person of color or your average joe. Anybody can stand up to some one of a higher power with enough help and some supporters. People will stand up for what's right and morally correct. No matter what the obstacle such as a dictatorship or communism there will always be

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