Essay On Discrimination In Media

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In America today, there is a growing problem regarding the media’s portrayal of race inequality. Whether the media is television, cable, radio or social sites, an individual’s race seems to be highlighted rather than focusing on the actual story being covered. This is best said when the Freedom House states,
“The United States is…unique with respect to the number and magnitude of the laws, policies, enforcement and monitoring agencies that are meant principally to curb racial bias, enhance racial integration, and direct public attention to actions and policies deemed to have an unfair impact on African Americans or other minorities, most notably Hispanics” (Racial Inequality).
In the fast paced world in which we live, these stories can be is that the condition of blacks itself is not a matter of high interest to the white majority. Their interest in black America is focused upon situations in which their imagined fear becomes a real problem.”
The Pew Research Center study in 2010 did conclude that attitudes towards race are changing, but it is the younger generations leading the way. These younger generations are typically much more diverse; 60% White, 40% mix of Hispanic, Black, Asian and other. The culture of America is changing and the need for equality in the news media will become even more critical in the future. Social media is another way that people can discriminate against other people of different cultures. Social media was initially used to just connect with other people. However, as happens with any society, people have been using it to bully people and show prejudice against others. What makes this more insidious is the ability to discriminate broadly without actually saying it directly to an individual. The lack of consequences regarding the persecution of people of any race is disheartening. A great way to prevent race-based bullying and inequality in social media is to closely monitor postings. This could, hopefully, prevent the problem in a small

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