Essay On Diode

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Applications of Diodes

A diode is a two terminal device, widely used in the field of electronics. The smallest of circuits, to the largest, have diodes in them, in one form or the other. The function of the diodes can be explained by using an analogy of an air pump, which only allows the flow of air in one direction. Similarly a diode only allows the circuit to pass current through in one direction; this is done in two conditions. The conditions are a) Forward Bias or b) Reverse Bias
Forward Bias:
In this case the circuit is connected in a way that the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the positive terminal of the diode, and the negative terminal of the battery is connected to the negative terminal of the diode. In this …show more content…

Reverse Bias:
In this case the circuit is connected in a way that the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the negative terminal of the diode, and the negative terminal of the battery is connected to the positive terminal of the diode. In this condition the current does not travel through the circuit, and provides infinite resistance.
In this condition the diode acts like a closed door and no current pass through.
The following diagram can further explain the functions of a diode when connected in reverse bias

This figure shows us how current cannot pass through a Diode which is connected in reverse bias.

Diodes come in different shapes, sizes, and types. Each type of a diode has its own applications.
Some of the most widely used diodes are mentioned in the following list

Types of diodes
Semiconductor Diodes
Light Emitting Diodes – LED
Photo Diode
Ideal Diode (Theoretical)
Zener Diodes

Diodes come in different variations and each of them has their own use, today we will be looking into the applications of diodes. We will have a detailed look on how diodes can be used as:
• Logic Gates
• Sensors
• LED (Light Emitting

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