Essay On Definition Of Religion

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There are probably as many definitions of religion as there are religions themselves. Behind the definitions lie differing intentions and originate from various sources. Everyone from scholars, to religious leaders, to scientists has weighed in his or her opinion. Even an entire field of academic study arose to help define religion. This academic study of religion has proven useful in facilitating a better definition of religion, as it has identified six key aspects to create a decent definition of religion (Shulman, Definitions of Religion Quiz). The six points are not being bias, not being too narrow, not being too broad, being substantive, being functional, and being comprehensive. Three definitions of religion—one acceptable, one lacking, and this author’s own—go through a compare-and-contrast analysis using these six points as the basis of critique in order to illustrate what makes a definition of religion either acceptable or lacking. In order to use these six points as the basis of critique, it is necessary first to give them definitions in the context of defining a religion (Shulman, Definitions of Religion Quiz). Also included are examples to help illustrate the definitions. Furthermore, the definitions present themselves in an order of what this author considers most important useful to a definition of religion. Bias means not using one’s own personal views as the basis of a definition. It is bias, for example, to include the idea of a deity in a definition of religion, because that does not take into consideration the notion of a non-theist religion, such as Buddhism. Not being too narrow is focusing on one aspect or religion. For example, stating religion is about bettering one’s life does not take into account the var... ... middle of paper ... ...ood or bad. In addition, it is important not to place all religions under one category. To avoid something that is too narrow, the definition needs aspects of religion other than intentions. To counter being too broad, perhaps, like the second definition, it needs to include a “holy” or “sacred” aspect. It needs to include various aspects of the practices to be substantive. The definition needs to be functional and so needs to include something the practitioner can take away from the religion. The comprehensive component is by default addressed through considering the previous points. The following is the revised definition of religion. Through sacred inspiration, beliefs, and practices, religion is a systematic manner of interacting with the world that can have either positive or negative consequences, depending on a given interpretation of the sacred inspiration.

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