Essay On Cyberspace

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Cyberspace, like battlegrounds has become a place for conflict: disruption of service necessary for the proper performance of daily life, espionage of various critical infrastructures such as the economic, scientific and commercial assets of companies, theft of information related to our sovereignty and even, in certain circumstances, loss of human lives are nowadays the potential or actual consequences of the overlap between the digital world and human activity.
Till date, various hostile acts of cyber warfare have been observed between nations, terrorist and activist groups. With growth of access to computers and the Internet, civilians have become victims as well as perpetrators.

Given the sudden emergence of cyberspace in the field of national security and the extent of the challenges ahead, the French government set up the French Network and Information Security Agency (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information or ANSSI), to meet the needs of individuals, companies, and public institutions. In July 2010, the Agency was given additional responsibility ...

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