Essay On Cultural Influences

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Jamie Ingram
Cultural Repertoire Paper Over the years, I feel that my cultural background has generally stayed the same, with just a few changes, as I get older. At first, I had a difficult time thinking of my cultural background, but after doing the activities in class I have found it much easier to identify different aspects of my cultural background.
I have felt very privileged to be an American, and as I get older I learn to appreciate that more and more each day. We are given such great opportunities with education and future career options that I could not be more thankful for part of my culture being that I am an American. I have been raised with values that I know to be very one sided in the sense that many responses I have gotten from my father as to why things were done the way they were done has been because “that is the American way.” I feel very privileged to have grown up in such an amazing country and I feel more than proud every day to be an American. Another cultural identity that I associate myself with has been being a sister, I have an older sister at home and over the years we have grown to appreciate each other more and more, realizing the importance of family. However, when I came to Bowling Green 3 years ago, I also joined a sorority and I became a sister to 81 other girls from many surrounding states. I …show more content…

I came from a suburban town that has always given me great opportunities growing up including my schooling. I really learned to appreciate being a student and how important that was once I came to college, however, looking back I have grown a greater awareness for the opportunities I was given growing up. I know that without the schooling I had and the teachers who impacted my education career, I would not be where I am today. This is why I feel so strongly about culturally identifying myself with being a

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