Essay On Constitutional Corporate Personhood

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Causes and Effects: Constitutional Corporate Personhood During the late nineteenth century, the court and the constitution blatantly favored large corporations. They did this through the interpretation of the United States Constitution, particularly the Fourteenth Amendment, as it pertained to corporations. This led to the decision regarding the Wabash vs. Illinois case and in turn to the creation of Interstate Commerce Commission. In May of 1886, the case of Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad was decided. The case dealt with the how taxation of railroad companies should be handled. The decision ruled by the Supreme Court that the Fourteenth Amendment’s use of the word “person/s” was also pertaining to the rights of corporations. This was one of the most important of many cases that were ruled out using this same stipulation. This is one of many cases that have been decided using this interpretation of the Constitution since 1819, when the Dartmouth College vs. Woodward case was decided. Regarding the Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad case, the Chief Jus...

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