Essay On Conflict Transformation

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The perception of transformation is the change from one state to another. Conflict transformation in more specific terms is the transition through various stages. Primarily, conflict transformation takes place through the underlying stage to confrontation to negotiation to vibrant, peaceful relationships. The purpose of this essay is to choose a historical or contemporary situation in which conflict transformation has taken place in the past and/or continues to occur. In my assignment I will research the origins, causes and current status of the conflict. I will identify what has been done and/or is being done to address the conflict in a transformative manner today. I will assess this particular situation with reference to two of the structure or process models covered in this course. I will develop a plan for further action, based on structural and process models discussed in this course. Finally I will integrate Lederach’s time frame and see if I can bond it with this particular case.
There is a popular expression in the Kashmiri language that falls tenderly on one's ear. The word is 'Athwass', which literally means, 'handshake'. But it also has a wider connotation, signifying bonds of warmth amongst people, which transcend all areas of differences between them, such as religion, region, language caste, creed and the like.

Athwass in its spirit and essence mirrors the ethos of Kashmir, which, for centuries, has represented peace, nonviolence and brotherhood of man (Kaul, 2012). Since 1989, the low-intensity conflict in Jammu and Kashmir has been the most important issue in India's internal security scenario. Possession of the State of Kashmir has been an issue of dispute since 1947 starting with India and Pakistan. After tw...

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...nt objective is to attain a ceasefire and spread awareness in how the issue is affecting the women. The second circle: Preparation and Training falls to the WISCOMP group using training modules to in order to help the members of Athwaas to deal with trauma victims in the field. As stated, role-playing activities are used to assess people’s needs, which could reveal volumes about the residents’ fears, insecurities, and priorities (Tongeren, pg. 114). The design of social change is the spreading of awareness of the issue with hopes of getting acknowledgement form political groups such as the UN, in hopes of transforming the initial conflict. The final stage is that of generational change which the Athwass group’s desired affect is to eliminate potential grass root problems by education one another as well as the parents and their children who are the next generation.

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