Essay On Civil War

527 Words2 Pages

America's bloodiest and most deadly battle was The American Civil War. America was never the same after the civil war. America changed and became a different nation. The civil war is noted as one of the most meaningful, impacting, and important events in America’s history. The Civil War was fought between the northern and the southern states. However, its impact was felt by the entire nation politically, economically, and socially. This war cost over 600,000 lives and divided the nation.
Often times, wars produce only devastation; however, the American civil war produced positive political, economic, and social developments. America became one nation, economically strong, and designed and created the framework for social equality.
The root cause of the civil war was slivery. While the Thirteenth Amendment constitutionally and legally ended the practice of slivery, tension between the races could not be easily abolished.
America experienced many lasting changes because of this war. While the political, economic and social fabrics of the nation were changed, and hundreds...

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