Essay On Changing Gender Roles

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For this essay I will be discussing the effects of changing gender roles within families today. The purpose of this paper is to gain a greater understanding to the every changing roles within gender roles in today’s world.
Over the decades there have been many things females have done to better themselves and their families. One of these amazing things females have done is implemented themselves into the work field. Even though females have done so much, they are still not considered equal to men within the work field. Within many companies men hold the title for the leadership positions. This includes both private and public sectors and almost every rung on the career spectrum. Men also receive more pay than females (GenderAcrossBorders, 2016).
Females make up nearly half of the workforce today. Females are considered to be “equals” within the workplace. In fact females in four out of ten families are the main source of income. Statistics show that women …show more content…

The thought of gender is that people are born either female or male, but that they learn to associate behavior patterns with each sex. Gender identity is when people develop a gender identity that is a perception of themselves as masculine or feminine, early in life. Gender identity often corresponds to a person’s biological sex, is learned in early childhood and usually remains relatively fixed throughout life. Gender stereotypes are expectations on how people will look, act, think, and feel due to their gender (Benokraitis, 2015). Gender roles differ from one culture to the next. Culture affects the expectations on men and women within that geographical location. Within the United States of America there have been many different roles in gender throughout past generations. Some of these changes within gender roles affect home life, work, and even school, and affects all Americans in some

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