Essay On Calcium

544 Words2 Pages

Order-ID: 2535740
Essential for good health, the daily required intake of calcium for bodily functions is obtainable from the diet or as a supplement.

Calcium, an essential mineral for optimal health, supports the strengthening of the skeleton and dentition of an individual. Teeth and bones function as repositories for 99% of the body's calcium. The skeleton undergoes a process of continual change or remodeling as new bone, created by cells known as osteoblasts, is deposited to take the place of bone, broken down during resorption. In childhood and adolescence, new bone is deposited at a faster rate than existing bone is resorped. A calcium deficiency during these years can result in rickets. During an individual’s twenties, the body’s mass of bone reaches its peak. This peak is influenced by genetic and environmental issues, diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors, such as the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. As a person ages, bone resorps faster than the new bone can be formed. For women, a reduction in the hormone estrogen following th...

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