Essay On Bystander Effect

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Everyday many people witness and are exposed to many different situations and emergencies. Bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to people who don’t offer any help in a situation to a victim when others are around. The research study by Abbate, Ruggieri, & Boca (2013) has shown that helping behavior can be easily primed. Many researchers and social psychologists over the years, have been studying how knowledge is activated in individual’s memory and how that information shapes and guides emotions, impressions, and judgments. For example studies by Bargh, Chen, and Burrows' (1996) mentioned in Abbate, Ruggieri, & Bocas’ (2013) work, explains the perspective on behavior and trait concepts that activate relative behavior. There studies concluded that unconscious behavioral priming is real that includes different mechanisms from the typically assumed cause of effect. In the study of prosocial priming, there were a total of one hundred and twenty six participants. Seventy-three of them were women and fifty-three men, all around the same age of twenty-four. Th...

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