Essay On Bullying And Celebrities

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Bullying is a problem faced by everyone in the world, whether because of race, sexual orientation or clothing and many others in between. Everyone faces bullying and celebrities are no different. With their lives in the open for any one to see, it is hard to have star status and a personal life that is, personal. Celebrities are judged based on every move they make and like any normal human that judgment has an effect on them. People forget that while celebrities live in the public eye they are only human, who deal with normal human problems. They deal with bullying, addiction and loss the same way the rest of us do. Bullying has just as much of an effect on celebrities as average people. Miley Cyrus is one celebrity who has grown up in …show more content…

She is an advocate to stop bullying as she was bullied herself while in school. People would bully her and call her fat, she soon became self conscious and stopped eating. She also battled depression and later found it was due to her being bipolar. When her career first started people would write hate petitions and send them around to be signed, have CD-bashing parties of her demos and come to her house and yell things. She went to rehab for bulimia,self-harm and addiction and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Self-image has been one of Demi 's struggles since the beginning of her career and she is very open about her struggle hoping to inspire others to get help and embrace their bodies the way they are. Some of the money from Demi 's skincare line goes to the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program, which helps women struggling with addiction and mental-health issues cover expenses. Demi, almost went back to rehab for her eating disorder, saying she was “obsessing over food and terrified of it at the same time.” Although she has faced criticism, she is a great role model empowering girls to embrace the body they have. She writes music about her life and the experiences she has gone through. She has a song titled “Skyscraper,” the song is about people trying to break her down and everything she is like she 's made of glass and while she may be broken, she is still standing. It 's a meaningful song, saying …show more content…

While a single comment may never be seen, when there are a large amount people who feel the same those comments stand out. After hearing the same things time after time it is hard to not believe them. Iggy left twitter due to hate she was receiving about her body. While she may not have the perfect body by society standards, she embraces the body she has and when she showed that body she got a lot of hate for it. Sadly, celebrities receive hate for their bodies regularly, people like to point out their flaws thinking nothing will come of it. Jennifer Love Hewitt left twitter due to negativity. She was receiving threats from people about their own well being and it became to much for her to handle. People making threats to their own well being is a common thing on social media, people seem to think if they make these comments the celebrity will notice them and follow them. People take things to far making comments like these when there are people who actually suffer from self harm. This is bullying trying to make celebrities feel bad for not following these people. While celebrities appear to have great lives and everything they could want, that is no right to bully them. Like any human, bullying has an effect on them. One person saying hurtful things doesn 't hold much weight but hundreds of people saying the

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