Essay On Brazil Geography

577 Words2 Pages

Brazil, with a total area of 3,287,612 square miles, is the fifth largest country in the world, and the third largest country in the Western Hemisphere. It is also the fifth largest country according to population. Water makes up 21,411 square miles of the total area. Brazil is the largest country in South America, making up almost half (47%) of the land mass of the continent. Brazil has over 4,654 miles of coastline, all of it bordering on the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil contains most of the Amazon River, which is the world’s second longest at over 4,040 miles long. It is the “world’s largest river in volume and contains one-fifth of all the fresh water” on the planet (“Geography of Brazil”). Furthermore, the Amazon rainforest that encompasses the area around the river is the largest rainforest in the world, and is estimated to contain about one-third of the planet’s known animal species (“Brazil Geography Introduction”). The Amazon rainforest makes up almost half of the world’s rainforests all by itself. An interesting note about the Brazilian geography: Brazil shares common boundaries ...

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