Essay On Bipolar Suicide

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Mental illness affects more than 60 million people in the United States. The perceived stigma, misdiagnosis, lack of treatment and medication availability contribute to the difficulty in leading a healthy, normal life. The correlations between mental illnesses and physical health link higher rate of suicide (Dalton, Cate-Carter, Mundo, Parikh, Kennedy, 2003). Bipolar, a serious and debilitating mood disorder, which is common in individuals who commit suicide, affects more than 13 million people. The quality of life in bipolar patients diminishes significantly with poor health choices, such as self-medication and substance abuse (Cassidy, 2011).

The risk of at least one suicide attempt in a lifetime by Bipolar patients ranges from 25-60% (Valtonen, Suominen, Mantere,Leppamaki, Arviolommi, Isometsa, 2006). The completed suicide rate of Bipolar patients range 4-19% over a lifetime …show more content…

A large amount of considerable data has been collected to support this theory. The focus will be on adults with Bipolar Disorder and the link with substance abuse on whether the suicide rates increase. A goal of this study is to Examine Bipolar Disorder, which is a serious mental illness and effects more than 60 million individuals each year. The symptoms include mood swings with periods of high energy and low energy. In between the two extreme moods, individuals with Bipolar can experience a normal state with and without treatment. Because there are two different poles of the moods, such as escalated amounts of energy and a sluggish state, the periods of the highs of Bipolar Disorder and the extreme lows of Bipolar Disorder contribute to the name of Bipolar, two different moods that alternate without a consistent schedule. The alternating moods contribute to unrealistic grandiose ideas such as overconfidence and dramatic issues of depressive states of

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