Essay On Bill Of Rights

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Does the constitution desperately need a Bill of Rights? While some may argue that the way the constitution was written is perfect as it is, it is necessary to include a Bill of Rights. It is self-evident due to the fact that we as a country need to ensure our rights and ensure the security and prosperity of the country. As an Anti- Federalist, we believe that the constitution can be revised again and can include a Bill of Rights to make sure our nation stays safe while we maintain our freedom. As a human being, you are born with certain unalienable rights that cannot be taken away such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As Brutus states, it would not be reasonable to allow the government to denounce the rights that we have fought so hard to obtain. During the revolutionary war, countless of people sacrificed their lives to obtain the rights that are essential to this country. If we do allow the newly formed government of this country to decide what rights we have, it is possible that the government could abuse their power while ripping our rights away from the people. As proven by Brutus, a Bill Of Rights …show more content…

The government is supposed to have the power to enforce the law and to secure the safety of human nature. In order to not abuse their power as a government, they must work for the people and by the people to enforce their rights by including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. As previously stated, human beings have certain unalienable rights but humans without a strong government and in the state of nature tend to revert to very dangerous ways of living. Therefore, the government needs to uphold the natural rights while simultaneously maintaining control. It is a very delicate balance but it is possible with the help of the addition of the Bill of

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