Essay On Behaviorist And Attachment

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Paper 2 – Behavorist vs. Attachment Theorist in Daycares
Childcare programs for six to twelve month infants would be structured differently from a behaviorist and an attachment theorist. Based on each theory and its ideas their programs would be shaped with the child’s best interest in mind but fitted to suit their beliefs and principles. Attachment theorists have a negative view on childcare programs. Their program would encourage that of main caregivers found at home and look to grow other attachments and relationships with others. Behaviorists have a neutral stance when it comes to placing children in childcare. Their program would develop reinforcement theories and practices for children so their behavior can become classically conditioned for future events that may rise. Each program would be designated differently and would vary on the hours spent in daycare, the peer-to-peer interactions, and the developmental skills the theorist would implement.
Behaviorists are more impartial when it comes to daycare. They believe that it can either benefit or harm the child; it depends upon parental and daycare practices. Behaviorists would find it valuable to start to educate and train infants at a very young age. Behaviorists are looking to make learned associations between stimuli and behaviors. The external environment will be used to make associations to teach infants through biological predispositions such as a cry, and what it will indicate to caregivers. Infants can begin to make links between their basic needs and desires and how to have them satisfied. Attachment theorists have a negative view about childcare programs. They believe the most delicate age for infants and their growth begin at six months. It is a crucial age for...

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...s and is not damaging to the infant’s development. Infants will find secure bases in other relationships as long as they surround themselves consistently and for long durations of time.
Overall both theorists want to establish the influence they believe will help these infants later as they progress over time. Either it is helping children create learned behaviors or instill protective factors through secure attachments with their primary caregivers. Although most general views are conflicting it is important to notice the main motivation is on the infant and their development. Both theorists attempt to compensate through the techniques of daycare they execute to ensure the child is receiving satisfactory care and developing appropriately. The views on how caregivers should react and interact contrast but both theories still look to protect and care for the child.

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