Essay On Band Strength

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Throughout my lifetime, one of the hardest things for me to do has been to say no. A spectrum of simple tasks such as quitting jobs, to situations as insignificant as denying dinner and a movie have been monumental to me. One of the toughest challenges I have accomplished was building up the courage to quit high school band. After three dedicated, driven years of competition and practice, the setting and the people I was obliged to collaborate with became detrimental to my health, and it took a significant amount of strength to pull myself out of those circumstances. When I was first elected as section leader in the TWCP Marching Band my junior year, I had a copious amount of hope in the people around me. Even though we did not share the same beliefs and interests, I felt that with my leadership position, I can still help those newer members thrive in band and make their time worthwhile. I was the first chair bassoonist in the top band and had placed well in multiple prestigious competitions, so I was confident in my abilities. This task was a relatively simple one for me. Always understanding of the younger students’ interests, I knew exactly how it felt to be in their position. Band was enjoyable for me, I lived for the competition …show more content…

And every once in a while, situations just don’t work out for the best. This is how I overcame my fear, and how working with these new people morphed me into a stronger human being. I don’t regret my time spent in marching band, nor do I regret having the courage to quit . Just because I saw potential in the people in band at one point, does not mean I am obligated to feel that way them forever. I will not let my fears and inhibitions hold me back from having these adventures again, even after this unfortunate experience. Feelings changed, people changed, and I changed, for the

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