Essay On Athletic Trainers

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All of the best athletes in the world can’t do it all by themselves. They have a team to help support them, they have their coaches to make them better, and, they have their athletic trainers to make sure they are always feeling good. Athletic trainers are some of the most important people in all athletes lives, whether they be amateurs or professionals. They are so important to the athlete because the trainer makes sure the athlete is healthy and is able to prevent/recover from their injuries. Athletic trainers have to have certain prerequisites in order to get their job, for example, their level of education. They can usually pick what kind of sport and/or field they would like to work in. The number of athletic trainer jobs are continuing …show more content…

As long as sports have been around, so have athletic trainers. But since around 1990, the need for athletic trainers has greatly increased. More people are participating in sports nowadays and these people are all aware of the injuries they can receive. Whether that person be in the pro’s or just an amatuer everyday player, they would like to be able to know that they have someone to keep them healthy and prevent them from injury. It is an athletic trainers jobs to make sure these athletes can continue to play whatever sport they play for as long as possible. In order to do this, Athletic Trainers need to be certified and have a certain level of expertise and skills so they can be the best they can be. Before they can go through the certification process, one, “must graduate from a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) program” (Athletic Trainer). Then the certification process begins. One must pass The independent Board of Certification Inc. (BOC) exam and also must learn and follow the standards and disciplinary process of the BOC. An athletic trainer also needs a bachelor's degree or higher. If the trainer wants to go into a school setting, they may need to take on some teaching responsibilities and may have to get certified as a teacher as well if they would like to teach the concept of athletic training. But one does not have to go into a school setting because there are many …show more content…

Their job description can vary depending on which field they choose to go in. But the main description of an athletic trainer is,” Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses. They work with people of all ages and all skill levels, from young children to soldiers and professional athletes.” (Athletic Trainers). Athletic trainers must also have be able to apply injury preventive devices such as tape, bandages, and braces, recognize and evaluate specific injuries and many other skills in order to be successful. They must also be able to know the severity of an injury in order to know if the patient must go to a higher level doctor or just do specific treatment to make it better. If one wants to be an athletic trainer, they must know the upsides and downsides of having a job as an athletic trainer. To start, one of the downsides of being an athletic trainer is having to learn all of the techniques and bandage wraps for each injury. Plus one has to go through all of the training and pass all of the tests in order to get the job. All of this takes many years and a good amount of money in order to finish all of the schooling. But the upsides to the job is that if the trainer likes sports, they can always be around sports. Trainers are always around at sporting events, no matter what level the sport is. Also, athletic

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