Exploring Social Conformity: Solomon Asch's Experiment

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Solomon Asch developed and ran an experiment regarding the power of conformity that affects most populations. Psychologists have been attempting to fully understand the mental workings behind why people are so easily pressured into following others for the longest time. The main focus of psychologists, is to figure and understand what the causes are behind social conformity. Numerous terms are brought up when studying conformity. The “unspoken rules or guidelines for behavior in a group” (Hock 293) are labeled as social norms. When individuals are placed in large groups, the tendency is to lean with whatever the majority of the group thinks. The regular behavior of the individual tends to readjust to appease the superior crowd. Of the many experiments …show more content…

However, when a control group was asked to write down answers separately and without having to voice them, 98% of the responses were correct. The supremacy of conformity was certainly present in Asch’s experiment. Two majorly crucial outcomes emerged from Asch’s research that transformed the field of psychology. First, the power of conformism had been officially and scientifically proven. Second, many other psychologists and scientists became motivated to continue experimenting with conformity.
I’ve had many encounters and experiences with conformity. Asch’s experiment, although only touching on the small effect of conformity using lines, truly identifies and scientifically proves that conformity is a very powerful thing. I’ve participated in many sports throughout my life, and have come to realize that the majority of them were all determined as “girl” sports. I’d conformed to societies belief that girls should focus more on participating in dance, ice skating, etc…I’d conformed to my parents and friend’s

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