Essay On Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is a scary, yet thrilling subject to think about. The very definition of artificial intelligence is ever-changing. When you visualize the term AI what do you see? If you’re anything like most people, you see a humanoid like robot. Actually, whether we know it or not, we deal with artificial intelligence on an everyday basis. To some this is a positive and optimistic thing. Others see a dark future where humans are inadequate when compared to this intelligence. One thing is for sure, things have changed thus far and this is only the beginning. This leads me to ask, is it and will it be worth it?
With the hysteria of the damage AI can do, it’s good to look back at where it started to comfort yourself in the fact that …show more content…

Today we have touch screen phones with personal assistance to help you with your every google search, managing your calendar and setting your alarms for work in the morning. We have robots that can run, jump, climb and stay balanced humans while throwing different objects its way to take it off its feet. Last week or so scientist Elon Musk even introduced most sophisticated big rig that runs on electricity and gets up to 400 miles after only 30 minutes of charging. Safe to say technology has leaped forward in unbelievable ways. We might not be Doc and Marty McFly from back to the future but we have made incredible progress.
With all of the progress, you have to wonder, how this intelligence will affect human lives in the long haul. Many argue it will be an end of the human race scenario where AI takes over the planet. A vast amount also believe it will take us into the future where there are less diseases and technology to help us take the next step into human evolution. Personally, the future may not be apocalyptic but evidence certainly steers me into believing the future will be darker for considerable amount of the …show more content…

Many people find this a very frightening topic. Have you searched for that perfect Christmas gift or Birthday present on amazon and a day or two later while scrolling your Facebook page you get an ad for that specific thing? This is AI, companies use AI and algorithms to find products that you are interested in and constantly advertise towards you. While some would argue this is a cool feature, many find it to be disturbing. The AI go through every Facebook post, google search, tweet from a user, and specifically advertise at you. As Jason Jercinovic of AdAge (The Ethics Of Using AI In Advertisement) articulates, “Add to that location-based data from mobile phones, transactional data from credit cards and adjacent data sets like news and weather. When machine learning and advanced algorithms are applied to these oceans of digital information, we can intimately understand the motivations of almost every consumer.” I find this to be insane. As if we cannot escape advertisement everyday already. We now are being not only besieged upon but also intimately stalked by a material predator specifically designed to make you

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